[Macpartners] LaTex

Annika Pfluger annika at csail.mit.edu
Thu Nov 3 10:37:54 EST 2005

Hi Danielle,

I use TeTex (Latex) with TexShop (the interface for using Latex) on 
my Mac.  First you need to make sure that you have the Apple 
Developer Tools installed on your mac and then install Fink Commander 
(http://finkcommander.sourceforge.net/). Launch Fink Commander and 
search for TexTex and run the full installation.  The last step is to 
install TexShop 
Launch TexShop and change a couple of the default paths in 

	- use /sw/bin for the path to pdftex
	- use /usr/local/bin for the path to latex

There are a lot of steps, but it should all run pretty easily once 
you get started and it's all free. Good luck!


At 9:26 AM -0500 11/3/05, Danielle A. Hinton wrote:
>I just got a new mac, and I need to find a good (FREE) source for 
>LaTex. Any one
>have any recommendations?
>Danielle A. Hinton, SB '00, MEng '02
>PhD Candidate
>Research Laboratory of Electronics
>Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Cambridge MA 02139
>Office: 26.347
>Phone: 617.253.8130
>ayodele at alum.mit.edu
>Macpartners mailing list
>Macpartners at mit.edu

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