[Macpartners] Powerbook not connecting to Belkin 54g

Michael Choi choi at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 26 10:55:05 EDT 2005

Problem resolved: 

First, I changed the default location from "Automatic" to "A specific
network" (Network Preferences > Airport tab). Then by applying the network
name and password found in the Web-based admin panel, the AP card detected a
signal immediately.

Before trying all this, I used a keychain WiFi detector to make sure I had a
signal from the wireless router.

Thanks for your helpful suggestions and links.

Mike Choi

On 7/21/05 5:53 PM, "Kerem B Limon" <k_limon at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Quoting Michael Choi <choi at MIT.EDU>:
>> Hello,
>> I have been without a wireless connection at home since the beginning of the
>> week, and I can't be sure, but it seemed to happen around the time I
>> downloaded this update: Airport 4.2 for Mac OX 10.4.2.  I'm surprised
>> because I've been able to connect from the farthest in my house for several
>> months without incident.
>> Has anyone else worked through this sort of issue?  The wireless connection
>> works fine on campus.  I can also connect through ethernet.
>> Thanks.
>> Mike Choi
>> - - - - - -
>> **Specs**
>> 12" Powerbook G4, 867MHz
>> Airport Extreme card
>> Belkin 54g wireless router (model F5D7230-4)
>> **Things I've tried**
>> Powering off both wireless router and cable modem (several minutes)
>> Rebooting everything on the network
> Other things on the network presumably don't have an effect on your wireless,
> unless they themselves are advertising an overlapping SSID and network,
> somehow, which I doubt.
>> Updating router firmware (was current)
>> Changing channels (default=11, 1-11 available)
>> Disabling security setting to get a pure wireless connection
> You mean an "open network". There is nothing impure about a password protected
> wireless network.
>> Called Belkin, who referred me to Apple
>> Called Apple who referred me back to Belkin
>> Also, only wired connections are visible if I refresh DHCP list.
> I don't understand what you mean here. What list?
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> Without another wireless client device, you cannot be sure that if the problem
> is with your router AP or notebook. I suggest using another wireless notebook
> or PDA to see if they can join the wireless network at home; if so, then there
> is something with the PowerBook, potentially because of the software update.
> If
> not, then your router is probably kaputt.
> -Kerem
> Kerem B. Limon
> kerem.limon at mit.edu /e-mail

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