[Macpartners] mailing word docs - problem

Kerem B Limon k_limon at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 28 13:01:10 EST 2005

While I haven't experienced this myself, it's probably because Apple Mail client
locks the files it considers 'its own', which probably includes the
attachments. You should either re-save or copy the attachment somewhere else
before working on it--that is generally the expected behavior with most mail

Incidentally, the 'read-only' status is a computer/file-system specific
attribute, not a document-specific one, so a sender cannot mark an attachment
read-only (any document/content protection mechanisms/schemes internal to the
application/doc format notwithstanding).


Quoting Stan Diamond <stan at broad.mit.edu>:

> I am now running 10.3.7 and office 2004, but I used to get this with 
> office X as well. Whenever I receive a word document as an attachment 
> in an e-mail (I use Mail.app as my mail client) it opens as read only - 
> even if it was not saved as such by the sender. I have even tested this 
> by creating and sending to myself a word doc and it still opens as read 
> only.
> Have others experienced this? If so, do you know why this happens and 
> how to prevent it?
> Stan
> Stan Diamond
> Team Leader for Desktop Support
> Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
> MIT NE125-2115,
> 320 Charles Street Cambridge, MA  02141-2023
> mailto:stan at broad.mit.edu
> fax: +1 617 452 4588 	voice: +1 617 452 4817
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Kerem B. Limon
kerem.limon at mit.edu /e-mail

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