[Macpartners] mailing word docs - problem

Stan Diamond stan at broad.mit.edu
Fri Jan 28 08:52:30 EST 2005

I am now running 10.3.7 and office 2004, but I used to get this with 
office X as well. Whenever I receive a word document as an attachment 
in an e-mail (I use Mail.app as my mail client) it opens as read only - 
even if it was not saved as such by the sender. I have even tested this 
by creating and sending to myself a word doc and it still opens as read 
Have others experienced this? If so, do you know why this happens and 
how to prevent it?


Stan Diamond
Team Leader for Desktop Support
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
MIT NE125-2115,
320 Charles Street Cambridge, MA  02141-2023
mailto:stan at broad.mit.edu
fax: +1 617 452 4588 	voice: +1 617 452 4817

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