[Macpartners] office: mac 2004 - annoying 'feature' help

Kerem B Limon k_limon at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 19 13:58:10 EDT 2004

IIRC, ports 2222, 3000 - 3999 are the magic numbers. I, too, am not advocating
privacy, but you of course are using licensed copies.

The 'clean' way to do this is to remove whatever hooks Office 2004 originally
installed on your machine. The upgrade must've preserved the original daemon


for more info. You should be able to use the Sharing pane GUI in the System
Preferences now instead of having the edit the packet filter config file.


Quoting "Aran M. Parillo" <aran at MIT.EDU>:

> Hi,
> Some time ago, my bosses office X install was crashy, so I purchased 
> her a straight 2004 installer (not an upgrade) which she did not get 
> around to installing right away.
> I decided to put it on my own machine and remove it when she was 
> ready to have it installed on hers.  That day came, and I installed 
> it onto her machine, removed my install, and bought an 'upgrade' for 
> myself and upgraded my office X to 2004.
> Now regardless of the fact that we are both using licensed versions 
> of the software, I get a pop up dialog alerting me that office must 
> close since it's in use on another machine.
> I tried to do a complete removal of office items from my machine and 
> re-installed office x, then upgraded to 2004 and am having the same 
> problem.
> Can anyone offer solutions for either blocking the ports microsoft is 
> using to check for installs or kill off the daemon which runs to 
> check or whack the original preference which seems to want to cling 
> onto the original full install I did?  I can't continue shutting down 
> my net access every time I need to run office.
> -amp
> ps: I spared you my MS rant about installing daemons onto unwitting 
> users machines as well as giving themselves free access to my network 
> services.
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Kerem B. Limon
kerem.limon at mit.edu /e-mail

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