[Macpartners] tex advice

Annika Pfluger annika at csail.mit.edu
Mon Dec 27 13:57:59 EST 2004

Hi Rachel,

I use TeTex (Latex) with TexShop (the interface for using Latex) on 
my Mac.  First you need to install Fink Commander 
(http://finkcommander.sourceforge.net/) on your Mac. Launch Fink 
Commander and search for TexTex and run the full installation.  The 
last step is to install TexShop 
Launch TexShop and change a couple of the default paths in 

	- use /sw/bin for the path to pdftex
	- use /usr/local/bin for the path to latex

There are a lot of steps, but it should all run pretty easily. Good luck!


At 1:04 PM -0500 12/27/04, Rachel Morton wrote:
>I have recently upgraded someone to Panther with a new system. This 
>professor occasionally had to have access to a latex tool -and I 
>found on his old system a copy of OxTex - a 1992 shareware.
>Does anyone have a recommendation for an OS X substitute.
>Thanks for your help
>Rachel Morton
>Nuclear Engineering
>Macpartners mailing list
>Macpartners at mit.edu

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