[Macpartners] 10.2.8 and Lombard

Matthew Broman mbroman at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 24 18:41:15 EDT 2003

I'm not sure if anyone has run into this issue with 10.2.8, but I've got 
a Powerbook G3 (Lombard) which was just updated. For the most part it 
runs fine, everything "tickety-boo", until it's allowed to go to sleep.

If I close the lid it goes to sleep fine. If I put it to sleep manually 
in any way, it's fine. But if I let it go to sleep on it's own, just 
leaving it alone to it's own merry devices, it won't wake back up. I'm 
forced to reset/pull the plug and battery.

Before the update it never had any issues, and this isn't a _major_ 
problem since I can just NOT have it go to sleep on it's own. Just 
curious :)



Matthew Broman
IT Manager, Police at MIT
mbroman at mit.edu
(617) 253 - 3093 desk
(978) 375 - 2464 cell

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