[Macpartners] office mac 2001 - track changes disappears

Aran M. Parillo aran at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 24 17:22:25 EDT 2003


Twice now in the past couple of months, an os9 users office mac 2001 
"track changes" feature has disappeared.  I mean, it's in the menu, 
but you cannot "break out" the item to see/choose the track change 

To restore the functions I have employed a combination of service 
release updating and a trash of the office/word system/prefs, but for 
obvious reasons I'd like to sort out why they go away in the first 
place and solve that issue.

Quick Mactopia and google searches have turned up no good info, so I 
come to you all... anyone see/resolve this in their os9.x travels?

Thanks in advance,
PS: Ran into our friends from KSL today, they say G5's are movin on in!! :)

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