[Macpartners] os x sap print to 'default' printer?

Theresa M Regan tregan at MIT.EDU
Sat Aug 9 10:14:56 EDT 2003

Good Morning,

just a brief confirmation...

David's (Rosenberg) response is accurate.  SAP's support for an 
alternate desktop printing solution is limited to the Windows native 
gui.  MIT has raised the lack of a comparable "desktop" printing 
solution for the Macintosh as a noticeable lack of functionality within 
our environment to both vendors (Apple and SAP) on a consistent basis.

The next time we inquire about x.509 certificate support for Safari, we 
will re-raise desktop printing for the SAPgui-for-Java (specifically, 
MacOSX), again.


On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 05:23 PM, David M Rosenberg wrote:

> Quoting "Aran M. Parillo" <aran at MIT.EDU>:
>> Can someone hip me to the 'how to' for getting an os x user set to
>> SAP print to their 'default' printer?  I want to have a 'plan B'
>> should I not be able to find their SAP printer in the output device
>> list.
>> I know you can do this w/windows but wanted to know if it's possible
>> via os x and if so... how?
> Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, this is not possible with 
> the Java
> SAPgui (which is required for non-Windows platforms).
> The "workarounds" are really ugly - like spooling the file to some 
> other
> printer, and setting it not to print immediately, and then displaying 
> the
> spooled file in the SAPgui and downloading the displayed file (as an 
> ASCII text
> file) to your workstation, and finally printing the ASCII text file 
> from some
> other application. This can be useful for a small file in an 
> emergency, but I
> don't consider it viable for normal use.
> -- 
> /David M Rosenberg
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