[Macpartners] Oracle 9i Client Release for Windows

Mohammad Sharari sharari at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 11 16:04:35 EDT 2003


MIT Information Systems is pleased to announce the release and support of 
Oracle 9i Client Software.

What is Oracle Client Software?
Oracle Client Software is enterprise middleware that allows third party 
applications to connect to Oracle databases, such as BrioQuery and Roles 
Database Access.

Last year a Discovery Team was formed to look into releasing and supporting 
a newer Oracle Client on the desktop. The current enterprise middleware, 
client version 7, is no longer supported by the vendor support and MIT 
users are overdue for an update. Since Oracle has not yet released a 9i 
Client for Macintosh, the Macintosh desktop will stay at version 7 for now. 
However a revised installer for the Macintosh is ready for download.

Details of the Discovery and Delivery work can be found at:

Who Should Download and Why?
The MIT customized Oracle 9i Clients for Windows are intended to be used 
with applications that require a version newer than Oracle 7 Client. 
BrioQuery is one example.

If you are not sure that you need to install Oracle 9i Client, ask your 
system administrator for help or contact BLT.

IS has compiled and published an Oracle two-tiered application matrix 
listing applications at MIT that use Oracle. Check the matrix to see what 
version of the Oracle server and client, and what components of the client, 
your application needs.

Notable Features
- Vendor support
- Use of OID (Oracle Internet Directory) to resolve tnsnames.

Known Issues
- Oracle 9i Client is not available for Macintosh at this time
- Oracle 9i Client connectivity to Oracle 7 database is not supported
- Installing Oracle 9i Client on top of existing Oracle 7 Client is not 
supported on Windows desktops. Oracle 7 must be uninstalled first.

Where to get Oracle Client
You can download Oracle Client from the MIT Software Distribution page: 
For information on Oracle Client at MIT:

Where to get Help
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the BLT at:
e-mail: mailto:business-help at mit.edu  phone: (617) 
252-1177  http://web.mit.edu/blt

Project: Oracle Middleware Desktop Client Delivery Project
Sponsor: Susan Minai-Azary
Delivery Team Leader: Mohammad Sharari.
Delivery Team Members and Contributors: Mary Ellen Bushnell , Phyllis Galt, 
Atticus Gifford, Theresa Regan, Mark Silis, Giri Swaminathan, Database 
Services Team and the Discovery Team Members.

Mohammad Sharari
IT Project Coordinator
Oracle Client at MIT Product Release Coordinator
N42-237, x3-0193

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