[Macpartners] os x sap print to 'default' printer?

David M Rosenberg dmr at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 7 17:23:20 EDT 2003

Quoting "Aran M. Parillo" <aran at MIT.EDU>:
> Can someone hip me to the 'how to' for getting an os x user set to 
> SAP print to their 'default' printer?  I want to have a 'plan B' 
> should I not be able to find their SAP printer in the output device 
> list.
> I know you can do this w/windows but wanted to know if it's possible 
> via os x and if so... how?

Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, this is not possible with the Java
SAPgui (which is required for non-Windows platforms).

The "workarounds" are really ugly - like spooling the file to some other
printer, and setting it not to print immediately, and then displaying the
spooled file in the SAPgui and downloading the displayed file (as an ASCII text
file) to your workstation, and finally printing the ASCII text file from some
other application. This can be useful for a small file in an emergency, but I
don't consider it viable for normal use.

/David M Rosenberg

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