[LCM Events] MIT Africa Innovate Conference 2014: 30 days to go

MIT Africa Business Conference africanbcofficers at sloan.mit.edu
Wed Mar 12 10:23:07 EDT 2014

We cordially invite you to the 2014 MIT Sloan Africa Innovate Business Conference.

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Early bird tickets end this Friday
Ladies & Gentlemen,

We are proud to present the 4^th annual Africa Innovate (http://mit.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=03a577cc4e0f6b7e9f0cf83ed&id=c57eb53f71&e=4b9b0bfe9f) conference, to be held on Friday 11th and Saturday 12^th April 2014 at the MIT Media Lab.

"At MIT, we believe in creating a platform for groundbreaking ideas and in fostering an environment that forges the networks that will enable these ideas to flourish"

Africa Innovate is an intimate showcase of the latest ideas and innovations in entrepreneurship, finance, healthcare, energy and education. In addition to our panels, our esteemed Keynotes reflect on how they have made their contribution to the continent's development. Our Vision Talks allow select guests to share the important ideas they want you to be a part of developing. Finally, our 2014 Business Plan Competition gives young upstarts the opportunity to present their ideas to movers and shakers and walk away with funds to take their vision for Africa to the next level.

Tickets are still available but they wont last forever. Come see the most forward-thinking ideas shaping Africa's future, please register today (http://mit.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=03a577cc4e0f6b7e9f0cf83ed&id=d33a4e166c&e=4b9b0bfe9f) .

We look forward to seeing you there!

Jide Odunsi & Gbenga Ige
Co-chairmen, MIT Africa Innovate Conference

Register Today (http://mit.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=03a577cc4e0f6b7e9f0cf83ed&id=b46c4f5de0&e=4b9b0bfe9f)

** Energy: Lighting up Africa

MIT has a history of world-shifting innovation in the Energy space. This year, the conference, in association with the MIT Energy Initiative/Energy4Development, host some of the key movers and shakers shedding light on the dark continent.

We are joined by the founder of West Africa's largest indigenous oil and gas company and key investor in power infrastructure, a commissioner driving one of the most innovative regions on the continent, and a CEO at the heart of developments in Nigeria's natural gas.

Tonye Cole
* Co‐Founder and Group Executive Director of Sahara Group
* Sahara’s portfolio includes 19 companies operating in Africa, Europe, Asia and the Middle East
* Heads strategic expansion for Sahara’s energy portfolio
* Founder of the Nehemiah Youth Empowerment Initiative

Joseph Leon Simakalia
* Regional Commissioner of the Mtwara Region of Tanzania
* Former Managing Director and CEO of the National Development Corporation (NDC)
* Previously held various senior positions in the National Government of Tanzania, the Defence Forces, and Public Sector
* Served on the Boards of more than 15 corporate entities in the public and private sector

Babs Omotowa
* Managing Director and CEO of Nigeria LNG Limited
* Former Vice President of HSE, Infrastructure and Logistics for Shell companies in Sub-Saharan Africa
* Fellow, UK Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply
* Over 20 years of Oil and Gas Industry experience

Mamadou Toure
* Managing Director, GE Africa
* Founder and Chairman of Africa 2.0 Foundation
* Led various investment and advisory transactions covering the Telecommunications, Water and Power sectors in more than 20 African countries
* 2014 Forbes Top 10 Most Powerful Men in Africa

** Keynote Speakers
This year we are excited to be joined by the continent's youngest billionaire, the world's richest black woman, the African running the world's biggest brand, and one of the most powerful men in Nigeria.

Mr. Ashish Thakkar
Founder and CEO, Mara Group
Africa's youngest billionaire

Honourable Senator Bola Tinubu
Leader, Progressives Congress; Former Governor of Lagos State, Nigeria

Mr. Alex B. Cummings Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer, The Coca-Cola Company and former Head of Coca-Cola Africa

Mrs. Folorunsho Alakija
Founder and CEO, Famfa Oil
The world's richest black woman

** Business Plan Competition

Africa has witnessed inspiring entrepreneurial success stories in the recent past, but for its future to be secure, we need to bring forward and energize the next generation. The continent is the final frontier for the maverick entrepreneur and through this competition, we aim to find, promote, support and connect these innovative, driven change makers.

Do you have an idea that is original and scalable, and that solves an important problem for the continent’s inhabitants and stakeholders? We want to hear it! Pitch it in the 2014 Africa Innovate Business Plan Competition. Win it!

Read additional details on our conference website (http://mit.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=03a577cc4e0f6b7e9f0cf83ed&id=29639b9c39&e=4b9b0bfe9f)  .

** Panel Tracks
Healthcare in Africa: We discuss the challenges of delivering healthcare in Africa as well as the innovative solutions that are being implemented today.

Technology Disrupting Africa: We address industries that are adopting emerging technologies to spur economic growth and their transformative impact.

Energy in Africa: We discuss and proffer actionable solutions to the energy deficit in Africa in order to accelerate private investments and regulatory reforms in this sector.

Venture Incubation: We debate the proliferation of incubators and technology hubs across Africa, and their role in supporting businesses growth in Africa.

Women in Africa: We recognize, celebrate and explore the expanding role of women in advancing growth and development across the continent.

Additional Panel information is available on the conference website (http://mit.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=03a577cc4e0f6b7e9f0cf83ed&id=2896f5de9a&e=4b9b0bfe9f) .

** Sponsors

** We appreciate the outstanding support of our 2014 MIT Africa Innovate Conference Sponsors.

** What's your big idea?
We invite you to share your ideas for innovation in Africa. Email us at:
africabcofficers at sloan.mit.edu
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