[LCM Events] FW: Innovation in Oil & Gas - April 7th

Nadim Walid Chakroun nwc at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 14 15:45:32 EDT 2014


From: Daher, Henri [henriad at yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 3:43 PM
To: Nadim Walid Chakroun
Subject: Innovation in Oil & Gas - April 7th

Hi Nadim,

In an effort to highlight innovation and cutting-edge research in the oil and gas industry, I have assembled for the first time at the MIT Enterprise Forum in Cambridge a high-level panel from the industry to tell us about breakthrough technological innovation in the upstream business. I have provided a link to the event and more details below. It is free for students and $30 for visitors. Please list it to both lists (members and general) as I know few people will be interested in this event. Thanks, Henri Daher

Title: Shale: A Case for Innovation

Disruptive technology has and will continue to dramatically alter the practices -- including business practices -- in place today.  For example, better reservoir characterization and shale production tracking will enhance well performance.  Improved micro seismic monitoring, new sensor technologies, and nano-devices create greater production efficiencies and less environmental impact.

Join us to hear from the players who are driving the changes in the industry, the challenges facing the industry and the latest developments in technology and innovation. Our panelists come from all facets of the upstream business: energy companies and service providers who are spending billion of dollars annually on cutting-edge research; VCs and start-ups who are financing and bringing to market successful innovation. In this candid conversation, you will learn:• Complex geology of shale compared to conventional• Tech advancements changing the Fossil Fuels game• Changing business models due to differences in exploration investments• New technological approaches to increase levels of hydrocarbon retrieval• How material science, chemistry and engineering are bridge to the new frontier• Growing role of big data and importance of data management.

Venue: UK Trade and Investment, Cambridge, MA
Time: Monday April 7, 2014 6-8:30PM
6-7 Registration, refreshments and networking
7-8:30 Program

Moderator - Henri Daher - Independent Oil & Gas Researcher
• Dr. Daniel Codazzi – Research Director of the Sensor Physics department -Schlumberger-Doll Research in Cambridge, MA.
• Dennis R. Costello Managing Partner – Breamer Energy Ventures.
• John Gilmore – Head of Oil & Gas Upstream - Invensys.
• Mike Pavia - Chief Technology  Officer - Glori Energy
• Jonathan Kane - Visiting Scientist, Shell

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