[LCM Events] Armenian Club Event Tuesday March 11

Nadim Walid Chakroun nwc at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 10 19:35:18 EDT 2014

Hi All,

The Armenian club is hosting a lecture tomorrow (3/11) 6pm, in room 37-212. The talk is a study of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink who was assassinated in Turkey in 2007 and the impact his murder had on Turkish public consciousness and the changes in the post-Dink landscape in Turkey.  It will focus particularly on the Armenian issues of the era: Armenian genocide, rights of the Armenian community in Turkey, and the hidden Armenians.
It will be given by a wonderful speaker and should be very interesting for those interested in minority rights and journalist rights in foreign countries.


[cid:EED0EC61-4F29-4E60-BF78-250492AB68B6 at mit.edu]

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