[LCM Events] Fwd: FW: Visit to NU by the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gomaa. March 19. 5:30 pm. Blackman

NU ArabSA- Northeastern University Arab Student Association nuarabsa at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 14:01:19 EDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sullivan, Denis <d.sullivan at neu.edu>
Date: Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 5:28 PM
Subject: FW: Visit to NU by the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gomaa. March
19. 5:30 pm. Blackman
To: Amir ArabSA-NU <nuarabsa at gmail.com>, Islamic Society of NU <
IslamicSociety at neu.edu>



Salamaat and Greetings from Cairo!

Attached, please find the announcement for the visit to our campus on
Monday March 19th, of Dr. Ali Gomaa, the Grand Mufti of Egypt.

I apologize for the short notice (only 8 days), but with the President’s
Office and Provost being involved, the planning for the event took a little
longer than expected.

Provost Director will introduce the Grand Mufti to our community, and to
the entire Boston community – all are welcome!

I hope you will help me get the word OUT, and get
students/faculty/staff/community members IN to Blackman on March 19, 5 PM
(doors open at 5).

This is certain to be a momentous occasion with one of the leading
spiritual figures in the Muslim world on our campus.

(we also hope to have a reception for the Grand Mufti prior to the event,
from 4-5 PM; again, I am awaiting word from the President’s office)

Thank you for anything you can do to get the word out and encourage people
of all faith communities to attend.

Denis J. Sullivan, Professor of Political Science
Director, Middle East Center for Peace, Culture & Development
Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115

Arab Student Association
Northeastern University
Curry Student Center, Suite 240
Boston, MA 02115

Office: (617) 373-2637
Fax: (617) 373-2694
E-mail: nuarabsa at gmail.com
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