[LCM Events] Survey on Lebanese Values

Zeina Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 14 04:34:44 EDT 2008

Dear All,

Please take a few minutes to fill out the following survey.  It is being
conducted by a Lebanese PhD student in Psychology who is doing her research on

Feel free to forward to other Lebanese.

Many thanks,


"If you are Lebanese and have lived many years in Lebanon, help us help
research about Lebanon. Please participate in this research that studies
values of Lebanese people. Click on the link below to access the study.

Studies show that if you don't act as soon as you open the email, the
probability of you taking the study in the near future is slimmer.


If you want to take another 15 minute study that looks into personality
traits and Lebanese people, please click on this site


Thank you for your participation!"

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