[LCM Events] Job Opportunities for Lebanese in the Middle East

Zeina Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 4 16:35:51 EDT 2008

Dear All,

On October 9th and 10th, there will be a large career fair in Beirut, organized
by HireLebanese.com and the Koudourat Association.

A number of industries and sectors will be represented, all seeking to hire
Lebanese professionals, consultants, fresh grads, and university students. 
Positions will be available in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East.

This is a great initiative to help reduce the high unemployment rate in Lebanon
and to give many capable Lebanese challenging job opportunities.

Please help support this initiative by spreading the word to your friends and
relatives in Lebanon and abroad.  Thank you!

For more information:  http://www.hirelebanese.com/pdf/jobfair-jobseekers.pdf

If interested, please register at the following website:  www.hirelebanese.com


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