[LCM Events] [TODAY] March 16 - Lebanon: Back to the Future

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 16 07:30:43 EST 2006

"Lebanon: Back to the Future"

Middle East Seminar
Lenore G. Martin, Sara Roy, and Herbert C. Kelman,


Augustus Richard Norton Professor of International
Relations and Anthropology, Boston University


"Lebanon: Back to the Future"

Thursday, March 16, 2006
4:00-6:00 p.m.

The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
1737 Cambridge Street
Bowie-Vernon Room (N262)

Jointly sponsored by the Weatherhead Center for
International Affairs and the Center for Middle
Eastern Studies, Harvard University

The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs  is 
located at 1737 Cambridge Street, 2nd Floor, 
Cambridge, MA 02138. For more information about  this 
event,  please  contact  Elizabeth Lawler  at 
617-495-3816 or elawler at wcfia.harvard.edu

Information on upcoming sessions is available on our
website: http://wcfia.harvard.edu/seminars/middleeast

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