[LCM Events] March 16 - Lebanon: Back to the Future

Philippe Charles Saad philippesaad at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 15:55:01 EST 2006

>                            Middle East Seminar
>       Lenore G. Martin, Sara Roy, and Herbert C. Kelman, Co-chairs
>                                 Presents
>                          Augustus Richard Norton
>Professor of International Relations and Anthropology, Boston University
>                                    On
>                        Lebanon: Back to the Future
>                         Thursday, March 16, 2006
>                              4:00-6:00 p.m.
>             The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
>                           1737 Cambridge Street
>                         Bowie-Vernon Room (N262)
>Jointly sponsored by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and
>         the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University
>The  Weatherhead  Center  for  International  Affairs  is  located  at 1737
>Cambridge  Street,  2nd  Floor,  Cambridge,  MA 02138. For more information
>about  this  event,  please  contact  Elizabeth  Lawler  at 617-495-3816 or
>elawler at wcfia.harvard.edu
>Information on upcoming sessions is available on our website:

Philippe Charles Saad
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