[LCM Events] rental apt in cambridge

Rania Khalaf raniakhalaf at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 28 10:34:11 EDT 2006

Hi everyone,
   I hope this nightmare will be over soon .. Hopefully I'll see many of you tonight at Copley ! With everything going on in the world, I feel kinda banale sending info about an apartment.  i hope I don't make anyone mad :( Here goes:
  We are moving out of our apartment in Cambridge and want to rent it out. If you know anyone who is looking, can you please give them the info in the attached flyer ? 
  It's a 2 bed/2 bath in a really cool brick building built in 96 or 97.. close to Alewife and the Fresh Pond reservation park area .. 10 minutes by bus to Harvard square and the bus is right outside.  Elevator, parking, washer/dryer in unit, dishwasher, etc etc .. all decked out. Pets negotiable (not me giving you any, but you bringing your own hehe ).  Rent is $2000/month. If you contact us directly, there's no broker fee :) 
  thanks and hang in there, 

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