[LCM Events] [Justice For Lebanon] 3 Upcoming Events

Justice For Lebanon contact at justiceforlebanon.com
Mon Jul 31 01:59:00 EDT 2006

3 EVENTS THIS WEEK (Demonstration & Vigil + Bike Rally + Relief Concert)

In solidarity with the people of Lebanon, join us for a:

1) Peaceful demonstration and candlelight vigil on Wednesday, August 2nd, at
Copley Square, Boston. The rally will begin at 5pm and will progress into a
candlelight vigil after sunset.

2) Bike ride rally for raising awareness, gathering petition signatures, and
publicizing future efforts. Bikers meet at the Memorial Mobil Gas Station
(816 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02139) on Sunday, August 6th, at 10am. Bring
your bike; water, flags, and flyers provided.

3) Benefit Concert at Kresge Auditorium, MIT, on Sunday, August 6th, at 6pm.
All proceeds will go the Lebanese Red Cross.

For more information: http://www.justiceforlebanon.org 
For donations to Lebanon: http://www.relieflebanon.org 

Please circulate widely and abide by the following guidelines on Wednesday:

.: come wearing red or white
.: bring as many Lebanese & US flags
.: ask for slogan suggestions; candles provided

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Lebanon-Justice at mit.edu

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