[LCM Events] PLO Negotiators Talk at MIT (THIS THURSDAY!) (fwd)

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 16 18:11:05 EST 2005

The Arab Students Organization at MIT proudly presents:

"Beyond 'Disengagement' Towards a Viable Peace in the Middle East"

by Gregory Khalil and Wassim Khazmo,
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) negotiators

When: Thursday, November 17, 4pm.

Where: 4-163.

Q&A to follow. Open to the public.

About the speakers:

Gregory Khalil, a Palestinian-American lawyer, is a legal advisor with the
Negotiations Support Unit (NSU) in Ramallah, the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
Although born and raised in San Diego, California, much of Mr. Khalil's family
resides in Beit Sahour, a town near Bethlehem.  He completed his undergraduate
studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, and received his Juris
Doctor from the Yale Law School.  He is a member of the State Bar of

Wassim Khazmo is a Communications Advisor at the NSU (Negotiations Support
Unit). He joined the NSU having previously worked at the Orient House's
International Affairs Department as a Political Officer and Youth
Projects manager. He holds a B.A. in Business Administration from Birzeit
University and an MA in International Studies and Diplomacy from School of
Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
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