[LCM Events] LATT Session II, Sunday @ 4:30 in MIT

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 17 11:45:36 EST 2005

Dear all,

Please join us for Session II of the Harvard-MIT Lebanese Affairs Think Tank
series this Sunday, November 20th, at 4:30pm in Boynton Hall, MIT (Room

Topic- What type of national leadership is needed to transcend
confessionalism in Lebanon?

Date & Time- Sunday, November 20, 2005, at 4:30pm

Venue- Boynton Hall, MIT (Bldg 6, Room 120; see attached map for best
routes) - Street address is 182 Memorial Drive, Cambridge

The session background, programme, and speakers are presented in the
attached document. Preliminary information about the Harvard-MIT Lebanese
Affairs Think Tank is also attached for your review and feedback.

Looking forward,

Loai Naamani
Lebanese Club at MIT, President
617.680.3466 | http://web.mit.edu/lebanon

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