[LCM Events] The MIT-ASO Science and Technology Achievement Awards Banquet

Shihab Elborai husam at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 25 12:18:23 EST 2005

The MIT Arab Students' Organization requests that you kindly join us at:
The MIT-ASO Science and Technology Achievement Awards Banquet

Saturday, April 16, 2005

MIT University Park Hotel
20 Sidney St., Cambridge, MA

7 P.M. Cocktail Hour
8 P.M. to 10 P.M. Dinner

Keynote address by,
Dr. Hassan Hassan Ali
Professor of Anesthesia at the MGH, Harvard Medical School

Award recipients:
Dr. Hassan Ali, Life time Achievement Award
Dr. Soulaymane Kachani, Young Professional Award
Mr. Walid Soussou, Graduate Student Award
Mr. Abdulrahman Trabzoni, Undergraduate Student Award

For more information,

Seats are limited
Purchase your tickets online now

$65.00 Per Guest Ticket
$15.00 Per Student Ticket
(must show valid Student ID at The Door)

Advance ticket sales only
No tickets sold at the door

Questions or comments: write to [arab]dash[comm]at[mit] or contact Shihab 
Elborai at: (617)230-7571.
Directions to the University Park Hotel

Co-Sponsored by:

The MIT Arab Alumni Association, The MIT Graduate Student Office,
MIT Dean of Student Life Office, Albahith Co., MIT Reacting Gas Dynamics
Laboratory, and the MIT Associate Provost Office

With special thanks to the MIT Alumni Association and the University Park Hotel

Shihab M. Elborai                                       Cel.   (617) 230-7571
Massachusetts Institute of Technology                   Tel.   (617) 225-0078
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science             Fax.   (617) 225-7749

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