[LCM Events] FW: Lebanon Presentation at Harvard Kennedy School

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 22 17:00:07 EST 2005


The Harvard Kennedy School

Arab Caucus


Invites you to



Assassination of Hariri

And the Cedar Revolution


A presentation by


Talal Salman

Youssef Heneine



Topics covered


*       Lebanon's history and political system

*       Role of Rafik Hariri in rebuilding Lebanon

*       Lebanese-Syrian relationships

*       Role of Hezbollah in Arab-Israeli conflict

*       US and France foreign policies

*       UN Security Council Resolution 1559

*       Future challenges 


Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005, 5:30 pm 7:30 pm

In Wiener Auditorium, Taubman Building, Ground Floor

Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University


Pizza and soft drinks will be served

Talal F Salman


Arab Caucus

Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University

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