[LCM Events] NDU Scholarship

DC Office (forwarded by Loai Naamani) dc-office at ndu.edu.lb
Sun Mar 27 03:43:25 EST 2005


Dear MIT Lebanese Club,

Please pass this on to anyone who may be interested.  Thanks!



Notre Dame University, Lebanon (NDU) is pleased to announce that applications are now available for its US Student Scholarship.


This scholarship provides an exciting opportunity for one qualified American student to study abroad at NDU, Lebanon for one
semester with free tuition and lodging.

The scholarship is offered for one of the 3 semesters of the academic year. Below are the postmark deadlines for submission:

1.   For Fall semester - September to February - applications must be postmarked no later than June 15.

2.   For Spring semester - February to June - applications must be postmarked no later than November 1.

3.   For Summer semester - July to August - applications must be postmarked no later than March 15.


Please find Application attached as a PDF document.


Downloadable Application and Scholarship Information, including eligibility requirements and terms of award, are provided online at:

(On NDU homepage, go to "American Friends of NDU-Washington DC Chapter Announcement" and click "more" to download PDF.)



Please direct any inquiries to Tania Haddad at the NDU Washington DC office: 


Email:                                       dc-office at ndu.edu.lb

Tel:                                           (202) 349-1705

Fax:                                         (202) 331-3759

Mailing Address:                       Notre Dame University, Lebanon

1717 K Street, NW, Suite 600

Washington, DC 20036                              



About NDU

NDU is the only private, non-profit Catholic university, in Lebanon and the Middle East, adopting the American system of higher
education. We currently offer programs in the Faculties of Architecture, Art & Design; Business Administration & Economics;
Engineering; Humanities; Natural & Applied Sciences; and Political Science, Public Administration & Diplomacy. 

NDU faculty members are mostly graduates from American universities including The Catholic University of America, Georgetown
University, Indiana University, University of Wisconsin, Louisiana State University, Baylor University, Penn State University,
Syracuse University, and the American University of Beirut, among others.


The campus is distinguished for its modern, open-air architecture, spacious classrooms and conference halls, fully equipped dorms,
and up-to-date technology facilities including the Computer Center, the Science and Engineering labs, the TV Studios, the
Photography darkrooms, the Graphic Design Workshops, and much more.  


NDU is ideally located near the border of Beirut in the beautiful Mountains of Lebanon.  It is a historic area overlooking the Dog
River on the South, with its Phoenician and Roman backgrounds, and the Louaize Monastery to the North. The campus is surrounded by
an awesome panorama sweeping up from the Mediterranean Sea on the West to Mount Sannin on the East. 


For further information about NDU, please visit our website at: http://www.ndu.edu.lb


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