[LCM Events] Fairouz in Concert

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 24 16:35:21 EST 2005

Details below. For tickets, please visit: http://fairouz.founoun.ca <http://fairouz.founoun.ca/>  – Reserve quick if you plan on
coming; only $135-$185 available Friday and +$85 on Saturday.



Fairouz in Concert 

    MONTREAL, Jan. 24 /CNW Telbec/ - Fairouz, the Lebanese Diva of Arabic
music will be in Montreal on February 12 and 13, 2005 to present two
exceptional concerts at Place des Arts, Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier.
    On her third visit to Montreal, 50 musicians of international fame,
conducted by Maestro Karen Durgaryan will accompany Fairouz. Mr. Durgaryan has
directed the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Symphonic Orchestra of
Yerevan, to high levels of success and perfection, and has equally worked with
Fairouz in her concerts in the Middle East, adding to her wide and varied
repertoire even more refinement. Fairouz's repertoire is constantly evolving,
whether it's ballads and classic songs composed by the Rahbani Brothers, or
oriental jazz flavours of her son, the great composer, Ziad Rahbani.
    Karen Durgaryan has recently accompanied Fairouz in her concerts, where
he was capable of bringing Western harmony to the varied music styles and
melodies performed by Fairouz. The program for the Montreal concerts marries a
marvelous mix of classic and modern songs with a mélange of western and
eastern orchestrations that stay away from the oft-used concept of fusion.
What the audience will experience with Fairouz is a musical extravaganza of
the best kind.
    Fairouz in concert is not just music and performance, but the heavenly
and unique voice of the mythical Diva. It's the Rahbani Brothers entire wealth
and power of music and the improvisational talents of Ziad Rahbani. It's the
orchestra, the chorale, the quality of the sound and the lighting systems.
It's a winning rendez vous with happiness and a moment of absolute musical
ecstasy to be cherished forever.
For further information: Media Relations: John Asfour, 
jasfour at founou.ca; Source: Media Centre - Founoun, (514) 334-0909, 
http://fairouz.founoun.ca <http://fairouz.founoun.ca/> 


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