[LCM Events] MFA screens "The Kite"

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 25 12:29:49 EST 2005


Randa Chahal-Sabbag, France/Lebanon 2003; 80m. 35mm. drama

>From acclaimed filmmaker Randa Chahal Sabbag (Civilized People/Civilisees, winner of the HRWIFF 2001 Nestor Almendros Award) comes
this beautifully rendered drama set in her native Lebanon. Lebanon's official selection for this year's foreign Oscar® nomination,
The Kite tells the story of 16-year-old Lamia, who, on her wedding day must cross over the barbed wire barrier that separates her
Lebanese village from that of her cousin and fiancé Samy, whose village has been annexed by Israel. Between the villages, the border
is heavily patrolled. The checkpoint, controlled by both sides, permits newlyweds and corpses to return to their home villages.
Lamia reaches the family of her fiancé, abandoning her younger brother, her school, her kite, her mother, her past. But she refuses
to consummate her marriage; instead she gradually falls in love with a soldier who has been watching her since the day she crossed
the border for the first time.

8:00pm Fri 28th Jan at the Museum of Fine Arts

Copresented by Women in Film and Video/New England <http://www.wifvne.org> 

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