[LCM Events] TONIGHT - Adib Farha: "Death of Hariri & Lebanese-Syrian Relations: An Insider's Perspective"

Lebanese Club @ MIT lebanon-owner at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 21 23:19:15 EST 2005

Tuesday, February 22nd | Mr. Adib Farha
Death of Hariri & Lebanese-Syrian Relations: An Insider's Perspective
7:00pm, at 32-141 (map <http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=32&Buildings=go> )

Mr. Farha will bring a much-needed insider's perspective on the nuances of the everyday Lebanese-Syrian relationship, especially as
it has evolved since and throughout the Lebanese Civil War. He will also touch upon a number of recent developments, most
importantly the assassination of late PM Rafik Hariri and its ramifications, the latest constitutional amendment/extension, UN
Resolution 1559, sudden international interest, newly drafted electoral law, alliances landscape and projections for the upcoming
parliamentary election results, and more... A Q&A session will follow and hopefully draw the audience's insight on the
Lebanese-Syrian relationship. The whole session is estimated to last 100 minutes.

Adib Farha has served as a member of the advisory team of late Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri for the past ten years. He has
also been advisor of the former Lebanese Minister of Finance and is currently part-time Professor of Economics at the Lebanese
American University in Beirut, Lebanon. Between 2002 and 2004, he served as a member of Lebanon's National Audio-Visual Media
Council (the Lebanese equivalent of the FCC). He is also a commentator and an economic and political analyst, with frequent
contributions to Lebanon's only English-language newspaper, The Daily Star; various Arabic-language newspapers such as An Nahar, As
Safir, Al Mustaqbal, Aliwaa and others; and to The International Herald Tribune. His articles are often carried by global news
agencies. Adib Farha is a frequent guest on Lebanese, Arab and international radio and TV channels, including CNN International, BBC
World, Al Arabia TV, Al Jazeera, etc. He has also hosted his daily TV talk show on Lebanese NBN TV during the most recent US
presidential elections, wherein he hosted prominent US guests including former Undersecretary of State Ambassador Richard Murphy,
former Undersecretary of State and of Defense and former Dean of the JFK School of Government at Harvard University Dr. Joseph Nye,
and former Presidential Adviser Mr. Sidney Blumenthal.





The Lebanese Club @ MIT would like to invite you to a Lecture Series on Lebanese-Syrian Relations & Recent Developments in the
Middle East to be held throughout February at the new Stata Center, MIT:

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 8, 2004, 7:00pm, at 32-141 ( <http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=32&Buildings=go> map)

"How To Understand Contemporary Syria: One Historian's Perspective" - Philip S. Khoury, Kenan Sahin Dean of the School of
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at MIT

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 15, 2004, at 7:00pm, at 32-123 ( <http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=32&Buildings=go> map)

"The United States in the Middle East: Confronting Syria" - Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor of Linguistics at MIT

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 22, 2004, at 7:00pm, at 32-141 (map <http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=32&Buildings=go> )

"Lebanese-Syrian Relations: An Insider's Perspective" - Adib Farha, Advisor of late Lebanese PM Rafic Hariri and Professor of
Economics at LAU, Lebanon

Due to limited seating capacity, please plan to arrive around 15 minutes early. Attendance is free and open to the public.
Refreshments will be served.

For more information about the event (lecture abstracts, speaker bios, & venue location), please visit:

We apologize if you receive this email in error more than once; expect a reminder before each talk with the speaker's bio and
lecture abstract.

Hope to see you there!
Lebanese Club @ MIT

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