[LCM Events] FW: Sunday February 27 at 3PM in front of the UN bldg. at the corner of 46 St. and First Ave.

Mirna Daouk daouk at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 22 13:34:11 EST 2005

>From: Lebanon NYC Sit-In [mailto:lebanon_nyc_sit_in at yahoo.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:31 AM
>To: lebanon_nyc_sit_in at yahoo.com
>Subject: Sunday February 27 at 3PM in front of the UN bldg. at the
>corner of 46 St. and First Ave.
>Dear Fellow Lebanese,
>It has come to our attention that numerous members of our community have 
>organized a peaceful sit-in in a show of support for Lebanon.  The goals 
>of the sit-in are to:
>1) Denounce the assassination of Prime Minister Hariri
>2) Protest all violence in our country
>3) Declare our right to a sovereign, free, united and democratic nation
>The sit-in will take place in New York City next Sunday, February 27, 2005 
>at 3:00 PM in front of the United Nations building at the corner of 46th 
>Street and First Avenue.
>In order for this event to be successful and have the maximum impact 
>possible, we need for all of you, your families and friends to attend.
>Please share this e-mail with every Lebanese and friend of Lebanon you 
>know.  We are counting on your participation.  This is a unique 
>opportunity to show support for our country.
>Please note that no banners or photographs will be allowed at this event 
>except for the flags of Lebanon and the United States.
>Please reply at the latest by Wednesday, February 23 to the following 
>e-mail address lebanon_nyc_sit_in at yahoo.com and let us know how many in 
>your party will be attending.
>Your Fellow Lebanese
>Lebanon NYC Sit-In
>Sunday February 27 at 3PM in front of the UN bldg. at the corner of 46
>St. and First Ave.
>lebanon_nyc_sit_in at yahoo.com

Mirna Daouk
Complex Systems Research Lab (CSRL)
MIT- Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
77 Mass Ave, Room 33-407, Cambridge, MA-02139
Mobile: 1 617 596 5844
Email: daouk at mit.edu
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