[LCM Events] Walid Phares Lecture at BC

Philippe Charles Saad psaad at MIT.EDU
Fri Feb 11 13:19:51 EST 2005


Februrary 16, 2005
7:00 pm
Boston College
Gasson 305

Dr. Walid Phares  presents  "The War in Iraq and the Jihad Wars: Are They One?"

Walid Phares was born and raised in Lebanon, and has a degree in political
science from St. Joseph Jesuit University and the Lebanese State University in
Beirut. He has a Masters in international law from the University of Lyons
(France) and a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Miami.
Professor Phares has taught at Florida Atlantic University since 1993, where he
specializes in courses on Middle East politics and government, political
culture, social history, ideologies, and civilization. His books include
Pluralism in Lebanon (1979) and Lebanese Christian Nationalism (1993). He has
made frequent appearances as a commentator on the Middle East and international
terrorism on CNN, the BBC, MSNBC, Fox News, NBC and PBS. 

Sponsored by the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program, the Middle Eastern
and Islamic Studies Student Association, Political Science Department, and the
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

For questions, please contact Alexandra Pittman, pittmaal at bc.edu

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