[LCM Events] Fw: call for actors/ especially arabic speakers

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 10 22:00:37 EST 2005

Arab speaking students wanted for auditions. No acting experience required. Please read below and don't feel bound by the weekend's
deadline. This is being forwarded upon Dean Philip Khoury's request,

>Dramashop announces auditions THIS WEEKEND for
>The Demolition Downtown, count ten in arabic and try to run by Tennessee 
>directed by Jay Scheib
>Auditions are THIS Sunday and Monday from 7-11 in building 4-149.
>Callbacks will be the following Tuesday at the same time.
>There will be six public performances of the play in the Little Kresge 
>Theater. Premiering april 21 and running thursdays through saturdays.
>The Demolition Downtown, count ten in arabic and try to run, by Tennessee 
>Tennessee's Williams play contains the haunting subtitle "count ten in 
>arabic and try to run..." in our production the play unravels from there. 
>It is an upper class home or apartment in a city. A military force has 
>taken over the city-the president has surrendered. A curfew has been 
>enforced and the nuns and priests from the sacre coeur school have been 
>taken away in a truck. Explosions are heard. Homes are being demolished. 
>The explosions/demolitions get louder and draw ever more near. Mr and Mrs 
>Lane and their friends Mr. and Mrs. Kane are caught trying to act normal 
>but their every word and every gesture carries the pressure of impending-
>This is a short play by Tennessee Williams. Some 26 pages. It is my 
>intention to stage this play twice. Once in arabic and once in english. 
>The same play twice. From two radically different perspectives. One play 
>out of the ruins of another.
>We are seeking 8-12 actors. No experience necessary. There are four 
>principle roles which I would like to double cast-english speaking and 
>arabic speaking. The roles of the two young girls will likely be doubled. 
>I am seeking (possibly) two other performers / individuals who sing or who 
>auditions are THIS Sunday and Monday (the 13th and 14th) from 7-11 in room 
>call backs will be the following Tuesday at the same time
>questions? email ds_officers at mit.edu
>FOUR ENGLISH SPEAKING ACTORS (2 MEN 2 WOMEN -- to play married couples)
>FOUR ARABIC SPEAKING ACTORS (2 MEN AND 2 WOMEN-- to play married couples)
>and potentially::
>smaller roles)
>as this production will likely involve a media component-live and 
>processed video feeds we will also be seeking Two or three individuals who 
>are interested in collaborating on the media side: Camera Operators, 
>Projectionists, Sound artists / sound designers, and video artists.
>Audition material: we will read from the text.
>Jay Scheib,  Assistant Professor,
>Music and Theatre Arts
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building 10-267
>Cambridge MA 02139-4307
>jscheib at mit.edu
>http://www.jayscheib.com      ....       jayscheib at jayscheib.com

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