[LCM Articles] Guinness Record for Largest Bar Chimes

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Sat Mar 18 13:48:24 EST 2006

GUINNESS WORLD RECORDST | The Largest Playable Bar Chimes 



"Bar chimes built by George Barbar [Lebanon] and played at the Byblos-off
Festival in Byblos, Lebanon, on 17 june 2004, measured 15 m [49 ft] in
length and consisted of 1,000 chimes. They varied in lengths from 5.1 cm [2
in] to 105 cm [41 in], and were attached to 20 wooden bars fixed to 20
cymbal stands".


If the tubes were aligned straight in one direct line they will reach 550.5
m in length.


This instrument finds many applications and is very suitable for different
artistic purposes, ranging from contemporary dance performances to movie

For more information: http://www.georgesbarbar.com/bar_chimes.html 

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