[LCM Articles] Israel’s Criminal Accomplice

Abdallah Jabbour abdallah.jabbour at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 17:30:00 EDT 2006

*Israel's Criminal Accomplice*

*By Paul Craig Roberts*

*07/24/06 "**Information Clearing House*<http://informationclearinghouse.info/>
*" -- --* There never was any doubt of the Bush Regime's complicity in
Israel's naked aggression against the Lebanese civilian population.  Bush
has protected Israel from world condemnation. Bush has blocked those who
attempted to bring a stop to Israel's bombing of residential neighborhoods
and civilian infrastructure, and now Bush rushes more bombs for Israel to
drop on Lebanon.

On July 22, the New York Times revealed the full extent of the Bush Regime's
participation in the heinous war crimes being inflicted on the Lebanese
people: "The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided
bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after
beginning its air campaign. . . . The decision to quickly ship the weapons
to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush
administration, the officials said."

Obviously, Bush and his government do not think Israel has yet murdered
enough Lebanese.  Bush denounces Syria and Iran for allegedly arming
Hezbollah, while he rushes more deadly weapons to Israel.

The entire world is appalled at the Bush Regime's support for Israel's
policy of expanding its borders through naked aggression.

Every Arab and Muslim now knows that the US is Israel's enabler. Arab hopes
are dead that the US will pressure Israel to behave more humanely toward
people not armed with American fighter planes, tanks, and high explosives.

America's complicity in Israel's war crimes is more than America's UK lapdog
can stand. According to the French news service, AFP, "The United States is
starting to look isolated in its refusal to rein in Israel's attacks on
Lebanon with key ally Britain criticizing the wholesale killing of Lebanese
civilians and widespread destruction."

AFP reports that Britain's deputy foreign minister Kim Howells "questioned
Israel's military tactics and slammed Israel's killing of 'so many children
and so many people. If Israel is chasing Hezbollah, then go for Hezbollah.
You don't go for the entire Lebanese nation.'"

But is Israel after Hezbollah or is Israel after the real estate that
comprises southern Lebanon?

Rightwing Israelis say Israel needs southern Lebanon as a buffer against
Hezbollah. If Israel were to succeed in driving Hezbollah out of southern
Lebanon, Israel would then want a buffer for southern Lebanon, where Israeli
settlements would quickly spring up, And after that buffer, another, just as
Israel has gobbled up Palestine.

The American people need to understand what everyone else in the world
understands: The Bush Regime is empowering the Israeli state to push out its
borders by stealing land from other people.

This Israeli policy is the source of the Middle East conflict.

It is ignorant and immoral to blame the conflict on Hamas and Hezbollah.
These organizations were created by Israeli aggression.  Lacking American
jet fighters, tanks, ordinance, and resupply, these organizations resort to
terror, which is the only weapon that they have.  Otherwise, the world would
pay no attention as Arabs are ground under by Israeli expansion.

The fault is America's more than Israel's.  The American government and the
brainwashed American public are the source of the conflict.  If America did
not enable Israeli aggression, Israel would have to behave responsibly and
endeavor to co-exist with its neighbors.

Israel is an artificial state created in Arab lands by European colonial
powers after World War II. Instead of working to win acceptance and
overcoming Arab hostility to Europe shipping off "the Jewish problem" to the
Middle East, Israel has antagonized its Middle East neighbors. Israel can
play the bully-boy role, because the US acts as Israel's big brother. With
its policy of fang and claw, Israel endangers its own right to exist.

Many distinguished Israelis came to this conclusion long before I did.  I am
only repeating what can be read in more eloquent writings of distinguished

Israel's greatest friends are its own peace movement and those few in
America who dare to criticize Israel's self-destructive policies.  It is not
anti-semitic to hold Israel to the same standards as other civilized
countries or to report facts instead of Israeli propaganda.

Israel's greatest enemies are the American neoconservatives, who hold the
power in the Bush Regime.  What we are witnessing in the Middle East is the
unfolding of the neocon plan to destroy all vestiges of Arab/Muslim
independence and to remove all opposition to Israel's agenda. Can five
million Israelis, even when backed by the United States, forever suppress
hundreds of millions of humiliated Muslims stewing in their humiliation?

This is a recipe for perpetual conflict and the eventual destruction of

Neocons believe that deception of the American public is a legitimate way
for them to achieve their plan.  Bush's so-called "war on terror" is the
cloak for neocon deception.

Bush's war is not on terror.  Bush's war is on Muslim states not ruled by
American puppets.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan
administration. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good
can be reached at: paulcraigroberts at yahoo.com
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