[LCM Articles] RI Responds to the Worsening Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 25 16:40:10 EDT 2006


  RI Responds to the Worsening Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East


  July 21, 2006 Over 500,000 people have become homeless with another 50,000 joining daily.  Civilian casualties are rising as violence in the Middle East continues to intensify.  Relief International has responded to the evolving humanitarian disaster in Lebanon and Palestine with relief teams on the ground.   


  Amid the displacement and heightened instability in the region women, children, and the elderly are among the most vulnerable. Our relief team in Beirut reports that as of 1:00pm on July 21st some 38,330 displaced persons had taken refuge in 166 schools. Most have no blankets or mattresses. These families also lack basic necessities for daily life such as food including milk powder for infants and sanitary supplies.  



  Therefore, Relief Internationals Beirut relief operation has emphasized the need for:

    a.. 8,000 Bedding Supplies at a cost of $12 each. 
    b.. 38,000 Family Hygiene Kits (inclusive of soap, shampoo, female sanitary napkins and diapers for infants) costs only $16. 


  In Gaza our teams have requested support to provide 400 displaced families with: 
    a.. 400 Family Food Packages sustaining a family in Gaza for 1 month (including rice, sugar, beans, lentils, wheat flour, etc.) at a cost of $50 each. 


  With teams already in the Middle East in both Palestine and Lebanon, Relief International will continue to increase staff and capacity to better meet the needs of the over half million displaced. Please help directly provide urgently needed assistance to the civilians impacted by the crisis and help thousands of families overcome this worsening humanitarian crisis.  As the crisis evolves and the needs of the families impacted change overtime Relief Internationals response with adapt accordingly.


  Among the items displaced families most urgently need 

  are food, bedding supplies and hygiene kits.









  To help provide relief to victims of the crisis in the Middle East please make monetary donations by phone, mail or online.  95% of all private contributions directly benefit the survivors through direct aid on the ground. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by Law in the US, UK and Japan.




  1-800-573-3332 or 1-310-478-1200




  Make Checks Payable to:

  Relief International Middle East Crisis

  1575 Westwood Blvd, Suite 200

  Los Angeles, CA 90024








  Our Mission:  RIs mission is to assist disaster victims worldwide without concern for race, ethnicity, or religious background. RI specializes in bridging the gap from the relief phase, to disaster recovery and rehabilitation.  RIs programs of assistance include food, health, shelter, education, community development and income generation. Tax Exempt ID: 95-4300662.   For more information about RIs programs around the world, please visit www.ri.org


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