[LCM Articles] FW: Position

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 5 12:58:56 EDT 2005

Hello all,

Please find attached a job description for a Director of Engineering position at an RFID startup called WaveMark, which makes RFID
cabinets for storing high value medical devices (stents, pacemakers, etc.). It's in Littleton, MA, is about one year old, is angel
funded currently, will be looking for VC funding in the fall, has four software people located in Lebanon, a radio/electromechanical
engineer, has three pilot contracts with large manufacturers...etc. The CTO is a professor at MIT, and a good friend of many of the
LCM members and alumni.

If you're interested, please let me know, or if you know anyone who might have interest, please ask them to contact me.


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