Repackaging Kerberos for Windows 2.6.2

diskin diskin at
Fri Jul 9 13:44:01 EDT 2004

We repackage into an msi which in itself does not create problems.  You 
have to get all your settings right, especially Kerberos XP registry foo. 
And you probably need the XP configuration option enabled "Always wait for 
the network at computer startup and logon" under computer 
configuration\administrative templates\system\logon\.  At least we need it 
here at CMU.
If you were to provide error messages or other real details when your 
"machines" are unable to "properly authenticate" you might get better 
Gregg Diskin

--On Thursday, July 08, 2004 7:58 PM -0400 Angelo Torres 
<angelo at> wrote:

> Hello.
> I am attempting to deploy Kerberos for Windows 2.6.2 to several labs of
> Windows XP workstations (Just under 100 workstations total). I have tried
> to repackage KFW into an .msi but have had unsatisfactory results. We
> deployed this .msi to 28 machines and verified that they could log into
> our Kerberos Realm, however, within a day, 8 machines were unable to
> properly authenticate. By repairing the KFW .msi the issue was temporarily
> fixed, but we were in the situation of requiring an administrator to
> repair the KFW .msi on up to 10 computers at the start of each class. This
> scenario continued for 3 days until we finally decided to scrap the
> package and just install KFW manually (We had probably performed well over
> 150 repair-installations for those 28 machines by that time). I should
> mention that performing a manual install using the same configuration
> options we selected during repackaging produces a KFW installation that
> works fine. After a week of observing the problem I suspect that the KFW
> installation somehow depends on the settings of the machine it was
> installed on and these settings are improperly carried over in the
> repackaging process.
> I wanted to ask if anyone is aware of a successful repackaging attempt of
> KFW (2.6.2 or 2.6.3)? Are there any common pitfalls to attempting a
> snapshot repackaging? What is the recommended method of deploying KFW? (I
> would prefer a .msi/.mst solution, but a .zap or batch file would be an
> improvement to a manual install of all our workstations)
> Cheers,
> Angelo Torres
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