Human Resources Solutions ... fravia201 at
Wed Mar 13 11:16:01 EST 2002

Attention: Human Resources & Recruiting Professionals

Find Administrative Candidates Who Can Do What Their
Resumes Claim They Can Do ...

Test their skills in:

* Keyboarding
* Microsoft® Windows 
* Word processing
* Spreadsheet
* Databases
* Proofreading
* Filing
* Financial
* Medical
* Legal 

Get instant score reports! Make sure candidates possess the
skills they claim. All of the tests in the OPAC System are
self-scoring which means that you don’t have to spend your
valuable time correcting tests by hand, and you get a real
picture of their skills.

Set time limits! Find out not only if job candidates can do
the job but also if they can complete it in a reasonable amount
of time. OPAC allows you to set your own time limits on time
sensitive skills testing.

Create your own tests with Test Writer 2000, a customized testing
feature, which allows you to create your own true-false, multiple-
choice, or fill-in-the-blank tests that are self-scoring. 

Get your FREE no-risk, 30-day evaluation copy of the OPAC System
by e-mailing us 'ALL' of the following information to see if you

Job title
Company name
Shipping address (no P.O. Boxes)
City, state, zip
Daytime phone number
E-mail address

Make sure you mention offer code: OEM5_0202

If you would like to be removed from this e-mail list please Reply to
this message and make sure you put "Remove from e-mail list" in the
subject line.

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