Fetch 4.0.2 fails on OS X 10.2 - "Hostname cannot be canonicalized"
Sam Hartman
hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 28 13:13:00 EDT 2002
>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Hornstein <kenh at cmf.nrl.navy.mil> writes:
Ken> I'm having a strange problem, and I can't figure out what's
Ken> going on. I'm trying to use Fetch 4.0.2 on OS X 10.2 (with
Ken> GSS-API support, naturally). However, when I try to connect
Ken> to one of our hosts here, I get the following error:
Ken> GSSAPI error: An invalid name was supplied Hostname cannot be
Ken> canonicalized
Ken> Which makes _no_ sense to me, since I supplied Fetch a FQDN.
Ken> This is all vanilla stuff on OS X, with the MIT installed
Ken> Kerberos extras.
I suspect it is some bug in realm canonicalization. While testing an
imap problem, Marshall and I noticed issues getting Fetch to work with
hosts not in the default realm; could that be related to what you see?
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