Redhat Package to get kldap module working?

Mathew Rowley mathew_rowley at
Thu Dec 11 15:25:14 EST 2008

Has anyone used the kldap db module on redhat?  I have OpenLDAP and Kerberos
installed via redhat packages, but when attempting to start krb5kdc, I get
the following error:

krb5kdc: Unable to find requested database type - while initializing
database for realm BLAH.COM

It sounds like the module is not loading properly, or not installed.  Any

Here is my krb5.conf additions:
 ldap_kerberos_container_dn = cn=krbcontainer,o=com
 openldap_ldapconf = {
 db_library = kldap
 ldap_kerberos_container_dn = cn=krbcontainer,o=com
 ldap_kdc_dn = "cn=krbadmin,o=com"
 ldap_kadmind_dn = "cn=krbadmin,o=com"
 ldap_service_password_file = /etc/kerberos/service.keyfile
 ldap_servers = ldap://
 ldap_conns_per_server = 5


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