Decrypt integrity check failed

Richard E. Silverman res at
Mon Jul 10 18:04:27 EDT 2006

>>>>> "jonr" == jonr  <jonr at> writes:

    jonr> I have a slave kdc and am trying to get the master to kprop the
    jonr> db to the slave.  I continually get this error: kprop: Decrypt
    jonr> integrity check failed while getting initial ticket

    >> From what I have read it is a wrong password for one of the hosts
    >> in the
    jonr> database.

No; the problem here is probably the key of the master kdc's host
principal, on the slave.  The slave uses it to authenticate the peer and
compare to kpropd.conf, which lists the hosts allowed to update the
slave's copy of the KDB.

  Richard Silverman
  res at

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