
Phil Dibowitz phil at
Thu May 12 14:55:12 EDT 2005

On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 02:47:17PM -0400, Ken Raeburn wrote:
> On May 12, 2005, at 14:35, Phil Dibowitz wrote:
> >So previous versions of kerberos included a static lib called libdb.a, 
> >that
> >one of our developers used.
> >
> >I've noticed that in the 1.4 series this no longer exists...
> It's still in our tree, and linked into the programs that access the 
> Kerberos database directly, but we're no longer installing it.  We 
> don't want to be in the business of supporting a general-purpose 
> database package.
> What we're (still) using is an old version of the Berkeley/Sleepycat 
> database package, with some bug fixes.  (We can't update because of 
> licensing issues.)  You might want to check the Sleepycat web site, 
> and/or look up the BDB sources in your favorite open-source OS 
> distribution.
> Or, you could tweak the Kerberos sources to install the db library on 
> your system ... but if you run into problems with db unrelated to its 
> use in the KDC and related programs we ship, we don't support it.

Erm, no, I mean it's not _built_, from the source directory:

[phil at metallica krb5-1.4.1]$ find . -name 'libdb*'
[phil at metallica krb5-1.4.1]$ find . -name '*.a'
[phil at metallica krb5-1.4.1]$ 

The shared version is there, the static version doesn't exist...

Phil Dibowitz
Systems Architect and Administrator
Enterprise Infrastructure / ISD / USC
UCC 174 - 213-821-5427

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