Viewing/printing tex documents

Mike Friedman mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Mar 25 13:36:27 EST 2005

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 at 09:28 (-0500), Rachel Elizabeth Dillon wrote:

> This is most likely a problem with your LaTeX installation, as the
> latex.fmt file should be part of your LaTeX install; on my Debian Linux
> machine, it lives in /var/lib/texmf/web2c/latex.fmt, but I don't have a
> Solaris machine to find it on handy. If "find / | grep latex.fmt" (and
> there are probably better ways to do that) doesnt' show you any files,
> you're probably missing something.  Whatever problems you do have with
> your LaTeX build are probably best solved elsewhere.


I'm quite amenable to reinstalling LaTex, but where can I get it?  I've
looked at the LaTex project web page, which refers to several other sites,
but they all appear to contain multiple components and packages and (not
knowing anything about LaTex myself) I can't tell which I need just to get
basic LaTex functionality.  And I don't really require all its bells and
whistles, just the ability to convert .tex files to a more usable format
(ps or pdf).

> In the process of looking at this problem, I did generate ps files of
> the document you wanted. I put them in
> so that you are spared the pain of
> debugging LaTeX if you don't have time to do that right now. Of course,
> these files come with no warranty, the server makes no claims of uptime,
> I probably won't do this again, I am not a LaTeX preprocessor, etc. etc.
> :)

I appreciate this.  However, the two files you've posted seem to contain
only one page each.

My specific interest at the moment is the most current version of the API
documentation that will show me the newer library functions for doing AS
and TGS processing.  I have some old code (for web-server proxy Kerberos
authentication), which still uses krb5_get_in_tkt_with_password,
krb5_mk_req, krb5_rd_req, etc, and I want to see how the newer 'creds'
functions are supposed to work.

Even more specifically (now I'm getting off the subject of documentation
and into the motivating issue):  I'd like to be able to acquire a TGT for
a user and pass it to a TGS request without having first to save the
initial credential to a cache file.  My code runs out of a CGI script (and
has worked OK for years) and it seems to me it would be more efficient if
I could bypass the use of a credentials cache, since the acquiring of the
initial credential and using it for a TGS request are done in the same
module.  I was hoping to get some better ideas by looking at the most
current version of the API docs.

But I would also like to be able to process all the K5 tex files, now and
in the future, so getting all the right software for that is also a goal.



Mike Friedman                   System and Network Security
mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU          2484 Shattuck Avenue
1-510-642-1410                  University of California at Berkeley

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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