kpasswd problem on 1.4.1/1.4.2 (NOT!)

Mike Friedman mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Aug 11 18:29:12 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Earlier, I posted this:

> I just noticed that with 1.4.1 and 1.4.2, when I try to change my 
> password with kpasswd, I get the following message after entering the 
> new password twice:
>    kpasswd: Permission denied changing password
> This occurs whether the KDC is at 1.3.4 or at 1.4.2.
> I don't have the problem using a 1.3.4 kpasswd.
> Has something changed in 1.4.x with respect to password changing?

I now realize what the answer is:  my firewall.  I needed to open up UDP 
464 to allow password-changing.  This hasn't been an issue for me in the 
past because, until very recently, I haven't been running a host-based 
firewall on my own workstation. If I had been, then I'm sure my 1.3.4 
kpasswd would have had the same problem.  My test earlier today with a 
1.3.4 kpasswd was from a different machine (still running 1.3.4) that 
doesn't have such a firewall.

I realized all this when I discovered that 1.4.2 kpasswd worked fine from 
my 1.4.2 KDC itself.  I then ran a trace of kpasswd on my workstation and 
saw that the 'permission denied' problem was coming when trying to write 
to a socket for the actual password change.

Sorry for the false alarm!


Mike Friedman                   System and Network Security
mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU          2484 Shattuck Avenue
1-510-642-1410                  University of California at Berkeley

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