want kerberos 1.3.x for Solaris

Dirk Pape pape at inf.fu-berlin.de
Mon Jun 28 04:59:02 EDT 2004


Solaris 9 comes with MIT-kerberos 1.2.5 integrated into the system. For 
authentication against Windows AD we need a kerberos version > 1.3.

Is there any package which can replace the solaris kerberos with a 1.3 
based version, without relinking all clients shipped with solaris that 
use kerberos?

Does anyone know, if solaris 10 will have an 1.3 based kerberos 


Dr. Dirk Pape (Leiter des Rechnerbetriebs)
FB Mathematik und Informatik der FU-Berlin
Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin
Tel. +49 (30) 838 75143, Fax. +49 (30) 838 75190

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