[OT] Mailing lists vs comp.protocols.kerberos

Ken Hornstein kenh at cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Thu Jan 16 10:48:50 EST 2003

>	A couple of disconnected threads on this list lead me to
>investigate. Looks like posts that orginate on comp.protocols.kerberos are
>not gateway'ed to this list, but posts on the list show up on the
>newsgroup. I guess this an-anti-usenet-spam "feature", but it also means
>that the mailing list is not the place to follow discussions in this
>group. Is there anyone reading who controls the gateway-ing? Would they
>entertain requests to gateway everything instead of restricting this to
>only articles that originate from the mailing list?

We (NRL) are the ones that control the gateway.

In fact, we _do_ gateway messages bidirectionally.  But the usenet->mail
direction is controlled by a filter that looks for particular keywords in
messages about Kerberos.  I looked right now, and I do see at least one
Kerberos related message that made it from the newsgroup to the mailing
list, so I think it's working in at least part.  But it only works
if news articles make it to our Usenet server, and we have no control
over that.

Given the amount of spam on Usenet, I don't think anyone really wants all
messages gatewayed.  If you could give specific examples of messages that
haven't made it to the list, I'd be willing to look at it ... but again,
if it's a Usenet propagation problem, there's nothing we can do about it.


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