[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus events and announcements

Luke Jensen ljensen at MIT.EDU
Thu May 23 13:43:11 EDT 2013

Dear fellow off-campus graduate students,

Congratulations on a semester-well-done! Here are a few announcements about
upcoming activities and opportunities for free food. From now on, each
newsletter will include a useful tip about a resource or benefit for
off-campus students that some of you may not be aware of. For this week,
the topic is MIT's discount program with Hubway bike-sharing - you know,
those sweet bikes parked at sidewalk stations all over the city.

If you have a suggestion for an event or an issue regarding off-campus life
that could be relevant for discussion with the GSC, please let us know.

Hope to see you at an event soon!

Your off-campus co-chairs,
Luke and Kelsey

1. Grad Student Tip: Hubway Discount
2. Off-campus picnic at Cambridge Common Park, Sat, June 8, 12pm
3. Off-Campus Dinner at Dosa n' Curry, Weds, May 29th, 6:30pm-8:30pm

1. Grad Student Tip: Hubway Discount
When: Any time
Where: N/A
Contact: N/A
Description: Current MIT employees and students can buy subsidized annual
Hubway memberships and ride at a discounted hourly rate. The subsidized
annual membership for MIT employees and students is $25 (regularly $85).
Follow these instructions to signup as a new
your membership<https://web.mit.edu/facilities/forms_secure/Hubway-RenewMembership.pdf>under
MIT. An MIT certificate is required in order to register.

2. Off-campus picnic at Cambridge Common Park
When: Sat, June 8, 12pm
Where: Cardullo's/Cambridge Common Park
Contact: Kelsey (kastoerz at mit.edu)
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/170777138
Description: In celebration of summer, please join us for a picnic at
Cambridge Common Park! We will get sandwiches from Cardullo's and head on
over. Rain date of Sun. June 9, 12pm. For those selected from the signup
list, GSC HCA Off-campus will subsidize up to $15/person, and significant
others/spouses are welcomed.

Note: Signup does *NOT* guarantee a spot. 15 spots will be randomly (via
Matlab) granted, and attendees informed via email at least 3 days prior to
the event. This is to ensure everyone has a fair shot at applying.

3. Off-Campus Dinner at Dosa n' Curry
When: Weds, May 29th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where: Dosa n' Curry, Delicious Indian Restaurant near Union Square,
Contact: Luke (ljensen at mit.edu)
RSVP: signup.mit.edu/dosa_n_curry
Description: Socialize with fellow off-campus students and sample some
delicious Indian cuisine near Union Square in Somerville! For those
selected from the signup list, GSC HCA Off-campus will subsidize up to
$15/person, and significant others/spouses are welcomed.

Note: Signup does *NOT* guarantee a spot. 15 spots will be randomly (via
Matlab) granted, and attendees informed via email at least 3 days prior to
the event. This is to ensure everyone has a fair shot at applying.

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