[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus events and announcements

Luke Jensen ljensen at MIT.EDU
Mon May 6 18:21:08 EDT 2013

Dear fellow off-campus graduate students,

We're in the home stretch of this semester and the sunny sky is reminding
us that summer is just around the corner. For now, here are a few
announcements about upcoming activities and opportunities for free food.

If you have a suggestion for an event or an issue regarding off-campus
life that could be relevant for discussion with the GSC, please let us know.

Hope to see you at an event soon!

Your off-campus co-chairs,
Luke and Kelsey

1. Dinner at Out of the Blue, Thurs, May 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
2. Sidney Pacific End of the Term BBQ and Outdoor Movie, Sat., May 11,
6:30- 12 PM
3. Comedy Night at the Thirsty Ear Pub, When: Tues, May 14, 7:30p. Show
starts 8p.
4. Westgate Spring 2013 Yard Sale - May.18, 9:00AM – 2:00PM, Saturday,
May.18th, 2013
5. Urban Cycling Clinic, Sun, May 12, 2pm-4:30pm
6. "Collier Strong" T-shirt Sales by MIT Police, May 8th-10th, 10am to 2pm
7. Short online survey


1. Dinner at Out of the Blue
When: Thurs, May 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where: Out of the Blue, Davis Square, Somerville
Contact: ljensen at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/out_of_the_blue
Description: Socialize with fellow off-campus students, discuss off-campus
community and safety issues, and try out a fantastic seafood place in Davis
Square! For those selected from the signup list, GSC HCA Off-campus will
subsidize up to $15/person, and significant others/spouses are welcomed.

Note: Signup does *NOT* guarantee a spot. 15 spots will be randomly (via
Matlab) granted, and attendees informed via email at least 3 days prior to
the event. This is to ensure everyone has a fair shot at applying.

2. Sidney Pacific End of the Term BBQ and Outdoor Movie
When: Sat., May 11, 6:30- 12 PM
Where: Sidney Pacific Graduate Residence (NW86)
Contact: sp-vp-reslife at mit.edu
Description: Join us to celebrate the end semester with a BBQ and outdoor
movie on Sidney Pacific's giant outdoor movie screen. Come, relax and have
some fun with your fellow graduate students. Thirsty ear will also be
serving beer and wine at their cash bar! 21+ ID required for cash bar.

3. Comedy Night at the Thirsty Ear Pub
When: When: Tues, May 14, 7:30p. Show starts 8p.
Where: Thirsty Ear Pub, Ashdown House (NW35)
Contact: TEEC <teec-officers at mit.edu>
Description: - Join us for another Comedy Night. Abra Cadaver (improv cage
match winner), NU & Improv’d (Northeastern's finest improv group)
- Free food and soft drinks!
- Presented by the Thirsty Ear Executive Committee (TEEC)
- Sponsored by the GSC Funding Board, the Peter de Florez ’38 Humor Fund,
and the GradRat
- 21+ govt ID required for entry. Please have ready to show at door.

4. Westgate Spring 2013 Yard Sale - May.18
When: 9:00AM – 2:00PM, Saturday, May.18th, 2013
Where: Lawn between Westgate and Tang (540 Memorial Drive, Cambridge,
02139) We'll have music on so that you can find us easily!
Contact: westgate-rfrc at mit.edu
Description: Buy all kinds of useful household goods from fellow students
(A lot of whom are moving out!) with fair/low prices!

Possible Items List:
furniture, household items, kitchen utensils, bikes, electric appliances
(e.g. microwave, rice cooker, blender), crockery, glasses, shopping cart,
clothing, books, toys, baby stuff, grocery, personal care items (e.g.
skin/body care, hair care, cosmetic, oral care, health care), electronics,
food/drinks and much more!

Also, we’ll set up an area for FREE items during the event. Feel free to
come donate your items or grab a freebie!

Visit: http://westgate.mit.edu/node/1339
for more details and updates.

5. Urban Cycling Clinic
When: Sun, May 12, 2pm-4:30pm
Where: Meet in front of Student Center
Contact: dnk63 at mit.edu
RSVP: cycling.mit.edu/clinic
Description: -Safe and lawful cycling, bike handling, bike maintenance, and
commuting subjects will be covered
-Headed by Nicole Freedman, former Olympian and current Director of Boston
-The event is free of charge, and the first 96 to sign up will receive a
free Cateye front light.
-More information and pre-registration at cycling.mit.edu/clinic

6. "Collier Strong" T-shirt Sales by MIT Police
When: May 8th-10th, 10am to 2pm
Where: Lobby 10, Student Center, and Stata Center
Contact: mitoc-desk at mit.edu
Description: This Wednesday through Friday, the MIT Police will continue
selling "Collier Strong" t-shirts at the locations above.
All proceeds from sales go to MIT's official Sean A. Collier Memorial Fund.
Shirts are $10 each (S - XXL) - you may pay in cash at the tables, or
pre-pay online at http://mit.edu/mitoc/www/#events/special.shtml
We will also collect any donations you might like to make to the Collier

7. Short online survey
When: N/A
Where: N/A
Contact: psycheli at mit.edu
Description: For course 15.301 Managerial Psychology, we have created a
survey to understand how students self-identify themselves through
participating in student clubs at MIT. Please take 3 minutes to help us
collect data.

Survey link:

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