[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming Event + Off-Campus Brunch on Sunday

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Sat Feb 19 00:11:11 EST 2011

Hi Off-Campus Grads,

There is an off-campus brunch this Sunday at Hei La Moon.  Be sure to 
RSVP now to get a space.  Brunches are a great place to meet other 
off-campus grads while enjoying a very inexpensive (thanks to the GSC 
Off-Campus) brunch.  Be sure to take advantage!

~Jeff Chambers
GSC Off-Campus Chair

1. Off-Campus Brunch - Feb. 20 (RSVP NOW!!!)
3. Screening of "Tony" - Mar. 3
4. MIT GradGala 2011 (Buy Tickets Now)

Event Details:
1. Off-campus dim sum at Hei La Moon in Boston's Chinatown
Sunday, February 20 at 11am

Enjoy Boston's best Hong Kong-style brunch for only $3 per person
RSVP for yourself ± a significant other to Steve at sjg at mit.edu

Have you sung in a choir before? Do you miss it?
Would you like to sing at MIT?
Come sing in MIT Grad Choir
Sunday evenings, 7:30-8:30pm
Edgerton House, 4th Floor - Music Room

Interested? Questions?
Contact Pamela Mindell at pmindell at holycross.edu

3. Screening of "Tony" from Invisible Children
Organization: MIT Amnesty International, sponsored by the UA Funding Board
Date: March 3, 2011
Time: 7PM
Location: 34-101
Event url: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=150220425033203

--Film depicting the struggles of a child in northern, war-torn Uganda
--Discussion with Invisible Children to follow movie
--All are welcome to attend
--Admission, food, and drink are free

4. MIT GradGala 2011: Black & White
Celebrating 150 years of Decadence
April 2, 2011
Park Plaza Hotel

A Tradition Continues:
You are cordially invited to attend the 5th annual MIT GradGala, to be 
held on April 2, 2011. As in the past, the formal event will be held at 
the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, and your ticket will include an 
exquisite three-course with wine and a long evening of dancing.

In honor of MIT's 150th anniversary, we have made a few upgrades:

* Sparking wine pouring at the beginning of the evening for all attendees
* Music by the 18-piece Beantown Swing Orchestra, Boston's premier swing 
* Shuttle rides home at the end of the evening, to avoid those long taxi 

Table and Group Purchases:
As last year, you can purchase tickets as individuals and couples, as 
well as reserve seating for a group of up to ten individuals. In 
addition, you may also purchase a full VIP balcony table for eight, and 
dole out special tickets to your nearest and dearest. Cocktail drink 
tickets and shuttle tickets are available for pre-purchase as well.

Ticket Details:
Early-bird discounted ticket* sales start February 14th, 2011
Receive a complementary rose with your ticket while supplies last at:
Lobby 10: 10am-1pm, Stata Center 1pm-5pm

For more information and to purchase tickets go to:
* Early-bird discounts are TechCash cash or check only: credit card 
sales will open with our regular prices next week. For more information 
on TechCash, you can visit
https://techcash.mit.edu/ or their office in the basement of the student 

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