[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Haiti Relief Benefit Showcase

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at mit.edu
Thu Jan 28 23:27:45 EST 2010

Want to support Haiti while also supporting your fellow students?

**Haiti Relief Benefit Showcase**
"L'Union Fait La Force"
Strength Through Unity

**Tomorrow, Friday, January 29 at 7pm in Kresge Auditorium**
Doors open at 6:30pm
$5 donation required (all proceeds to Partners in Health)

Speakers and Performers Include:

*Professor Noam Chomsky*
*Professor Dale Joachim*
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
MIT Gospel Choir
and many more ...


In light of the devastation in Haiti following the recent magnitude 7.0 
earthquake, several students felt compelled to act in order to help 
Haiti. More specifically, we felt that it was just not enough to donate 
individually. We wanted to effectively raise money for the relief effort 
on a larger scale and as a community in order to have a bigger, more 
immediate impact. After careful brainstorming, we realized that the best 
way for us to raise money was to appeal to the interests of our peers, 
while also highlighting their talents. So we decided upon hosting a 
Haiti Relief Benefit Showcase where the whole community could gather to 
support the relief efforts while also enjoying performances from local 
students and alumni. On January 29th at 7pm in Kresge Auditorium, we 
will be hosting this benefit talent showcase, entitled, "L'Union Fait La 
Force: Strength Through Unity." The show will consist of musical, dance, 
and spoken word acts from all over Boston. There will be a required 
donation of at least $5 for admission to the event, where we hope to 
raise $10,000. All of the proceeds will go to Partners In Health, one of 
the charitable organizations currently working on the ground in Haiti 
with the relief efforts.

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